GROW campaign

Oxfam’s GROW campaign works for the billions of us who eat food—and for the more than one billion men and women who grow it. Through addressing inequality as a key to claiming power, Oxfam’s GROW campaign makes it possible for communities to grow or buy enough food now and in the future.

To ensure that the Sustainable Development Goals, including zero hunger, become a reality, we need new ideas that hold a promise of a better future for many—not just a privileged few.

Everything connects: gender inequality, land rights, climate change, food and oil prices, diminishing crop yields. These issues combine to create a system that directly impacts how we feed the world now and in the future. Oxfam’s GROW campaign systematically tackles these issues by working to mobilise impacted communities and active consumers alike. GROW focuses on investment in agriculture, the effects of climate change, and securing access to productive resources, especially land.

Our work on campaign GROW

Download the factsheet (pdf)






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