
Activist Lab Creating Feminist Futures Together

Saturday, March 1st in Amsterdam

Highlights from the day

Thank you for being part of Activist Lab: Creating Feminist Futures Together! Your presence and energy made this gathering a beautiful space for learning, connection, and action.

  • Our panelists Marwa Faour (Lebanon), Marah Kharma (Palestine), Tijn de Jong and Lakshmi (Netherlands), and Annida Putri (Indonesia), working across gender justice, climate action, decolonization, presented ways to support their resistance, and for you to take the next step – small or big- in your own activism journey.

    Our panelists Marwa Faour (Lebanon), Marah Kharma (Palestine), Tijn de Jong and Lakshmi (Netherlands), and Annida Putri (Indonesia), working across gender justice, climate action, decolonization, presented ways to support their resistance, and for you to take the next step – small or big- in your own activism journey.

    Foto: Elvira in 't Veld

  • Sam Ndlovu, poet, musician and trans rights activists from Zimbabwe shared two poems with us: inviting us into deeper activism, speaking out his truth in a brave voice that does not bend to those who would silence him.

    Sam Ndlovu, poet, musician and trans rights activists from Zimbabwe shared two poems with us: inviting us into deeper activism, speaking out his truth in a brave voice that does not bend to those who would silence him.

    Foto: Elvira in 't Veld

  • Devika Partiman, the founder of Stem op een Vrouw, shared her three key steps to strategize and find the right tools for change.

    Devika Partiman, the founder of Stem op een Vrouw, shared her three key steps to strategize and find the right tools for change.

    Foto: Elvira in 't Veld

  • Lakshmi moved us with her angelical voice sharing personal songs about climate justice and the need to come into action.

    Lakshmi moved us with her angelical voice sharing personal songs about climate justice and the need to come into action.

    Foto: Elvira in 't Veld

  • We saw many impactful protest boards throughout the building after the workshop by Feministas en Holanda!

    We saw many impactful protest boards throughout the building after the workshop by Feministas en Holanda!

    Foto: Elvira in 't Veld

  • David Lester, a multidisciplinary creative from Caracas, got us back into our bodies with some movement and laughter.

    David Lester, a multidisciplinary creative from Caracas, got us back into our bodies with some movement and laughter.

    Foto: Elvira in 't Veld

  • We are grateful to Nawa Sira van Sluijs who guided us through the day and moderated the panel talk with care.

    We are grateful to Nawa Sira van Sluijs who guided us through the day and moderated the panel talk with care.

    Foto: Elvira in 't Veld


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