Contribute to the lawsuit against the Dutch state

The Dutch government supplies (spare) parts for fighter jets to the Israeli Air Force for use in Gaza, despite serious war crimes being committed there. We find this unacceptable. Therefore, together with partners PAX and The Rights Forum, we have started a lawsuit against the Dutch government.   

On Monday, February 12, the court in The Hague ruled that there is a clear risk that Israel's F-35 fighter jets are committing serious violations of the humanitarian law of war in the Gaza Strip. Therefore, the Netherlands must stop supplying Israel with parts within 7 days.   

Together we have achieved this! But we are not there yet. The state decided to appeal in cassation the same day. This means that a Supreme Court will consider the ruling. A cassation trial is a time-consuming and expensive process, so we can still really use your support. We expect to need in total €330.000.  




Please, if you can, contribute to this lawsuit with a donation. 

International donations can be made by using the following information: 

Bank account: 170100200 (RABO) 
Bank address: Croeselaan 18, 3521 CB, Utrecht
IBAN: NL93 RABO 0170 1002 00 


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