Towards a fair, food secure, resilient, and sustainable future for rural women and their communities

Cultivating Change is a global program to accelerate efforts to shift global food systems over the next five years to meet the needs of those most impacted by inequality and multiple crises.

To achieve this, we work at the nexus of the food, land and the climate crisis recognizing the need to address systemic inequalities through an integrated approach.

Cultivating Change long-term objective is for rural women and their communities to have increased resilience, food, nutrition and income security and, with their allies and movements, have the power to transform the systems of inequality and rights abuses that are causing hunger and climate and ecological breakdown.

Cultivating Change seeks to be a co-financed program, in which donors can contribute towards a common vision.

The programme

We work with Oxfam offices and trusted partners in Bangladesh, Nepal, Laos, Uganda, Zambia, Zimbabwe, Peru and Brazil. In each context we work with rural women and their communities on improving food systems, securing land rights and leading climate action. More specifically, our three areas of work aim to:

  1. Increase food, nutrition and income security, and with their allies and movements build just, sustainable and resilient food systems for all;
  2. Secure land and resource rights and with their allies and movements actively lead inclusive governance and sustainable management of their natural resources;
  3. Increase resilience to climate change and with their allies and movements are leading climate action;

As the programme comprises a range of approaches at local, national and international levels, Oxfam will prioritize the shifting and sharing of power. A key component of the work on the three thematic outcomes listed above, is to strengthen the power of people, through the following cross-cutting outcomes.

In each context we work with rural women and their communities on improving food systems, securing land rights and leading climate action. More specifically, our three areas of work aim to:

  1. From a patriarchal to a feminist system.
    Enhancing women’s voice, agency and economic power: Women's rights, living incomes, and the policies which impact them are promoted and transformed by women's voice, power and agency.
  2. From profit maximization to well-being.
    Challenging corporate power: Corporate and financial sector actors are challenged on and held accountable for abiding by the 1.5 degrees target, and for their harmful policies, exploitation of natural resources and human rights abuses.
  3. From power in the hands of a few to people power.
    Strengthening movements and civic space: Movements, networks and activists are better protected, connected and resourced, and mobilizing supporters around new narratives to influence for a just and sustainable food system, land and resource rights and climate justice.

Each of the outcomes of Cultivating Change reflects Oxfam’s local-to-global approach, combining our programming with communities at the frontlines of the food, land, biodiversity and climate crises with our influencing work with allies and movements at all levels towards changing the systems that are causing these crises.

Our partners

Oxfam Bangladesh, Association for Community Development (ACP)

Oxfam Nepal, LI-BIRD

Oxfam in Laos, National Agriculture and Forestry Research Institute (NAFRI)

Oxfam Uganda, Participatory Ecological Land Use Management (Pelum), Eastern and Southern Africa Small Scale Farmers Forum (ESAFF)

Oxfam Zambia, Community Technology Development Trust (CTDT) Zambia

Oxfam Zimbabwe, Community Technology Development Trust (CTDT) Zimbabwe

Oxfam Peru, Fomento de la Vida (FOVIDA)

Oxfam Brazil, Comissão Pastoral da Terra (CPT)

Secretariat of Oxfam International


The global program builds on a decade of experience and is designed to be co-funded with the Swedish International Development Cooperation Agency (Sida) being the first donor funding approximately EUR10.4M for the first four years. We aim to fundraise for an additional two thirds, for a total of EUR30.9M. Would you be interested to co-fund this effort? Please contact us.

For more information

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Petra Righetti, Project Leader Climate Justice



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