Foto: Mariam Alimi

Women, Peace and Security

Conflict and post-conflict transition periods are innately gendered, affecting both men and women differently. Although women and girls suffer particular consequences of conflict, oftentimes they do not have any influence in the processes of conflict transformation.

To promote and protect human rights means ensuring the equal and meaningful participation of both men and women in all aspects of peace building and conflict prevention processes, as reflected in the framework of United Nations Security Council Resolution 1325 and the related body of international legislation on Women, Peace and Security. In this context, Oxfam Novib’s Women, Peace and Security programme contributes to strengthening women’s agency as a tool for practical change and addresses gender as a fundamental component of long term, sustainable conflict transformation processes. Oxfam Novib seeks to link policy and practices on Women, Peace and Security through learning from our country programmes and civil society partner network, and places a particular focus on inclusive security sector development as an integral part  of achieving gender-just peace and stability. 

For more information, have a look at our factsheet


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