Transparent and Accountable Finance
Oxfam Novib is pushing for a pro-poor, transparent and accountable financial sector, which applies environmental, social, goodgovernance and human rights criteria. We promote access to adequate financial services for all and contribute to fair tax rules.
Money is at the heart of all decisive processes in the world, be it war, pollution, land grabs, growing inequality on the one hand; or education, natural resource preservation, inclusive development, humanitarian aid on the other hand. Yet the transparency and public accountability of
the financial sector remains a challenge. The sector should commit to taking human rights, social justice and the environment into account when deciding on investments. The financial sector is almost inaccessible for people in poverty, who should have the same right to inclusive,
appropriate and empowering financial services (credit, savings and insurance) as the wealthy. This will help them save money, manage risks and improve their opportunities to exercise real and lasting control over their own lives.
Oxfam Novib holds the financial sector to account when they are part of the problem, and engage them as a partner whenever they can be part of the solution. We strive for a transparent, accountable, sustainable and inclusive financial sector. We promote positive changes across the sector, and we support initiatives that increase the access to adequate financial services in communities.
For more information, please have a look at our factsheet!