Foto: Jodi Hilton/Oxfam

Humanitarian aid

Millions of people suffer each year from disasters that shatter their lives. They may be affected by flooding or drought, or by conflict that damages homes and forces them into life as a refugee.

Oxfam Novib has decades of experience in providing live-saving humanitarian aid. Our expertise covers two broad themes: emergency food security and livelihoods (EFSL), and water, sanitation and hygiene (WASH). We work closely with our partners – in collaboration with other Oxfams – to deliver specialised and efficient emergency response. In all of our work we ensure that:

We are impartial, independent and sensitive – we provide aid on the basis of need, without discrimination as to race, gender, religion, age, or political affiliation. Operating independently, without influence from any interest groups, we design and implement programs that are sensitive to existing tensions and violence.

We address the root causes of crisis situations - we push for policy changes that we think are needed, from action on climate change to banning trade in small arms. We also work with governments and other bodies to help find peaceful resolutions to conflict situations.

We make communities more resilient to future crises – we know that people affected by humanitarian crises are already struggling with poverty. To strengthen their ability to cope, we routinely incorporate disaster preparedness into our development work. We also take a long-term view of rebuilding when giving emergency aid immediately after a crisis.

We work with, and through, local organisations – our emergency work has a greater impact when we work with local organisations. They have an in-depth understanding of the needs of affected communities and better knowledge of the local context. We aim to strengthen and empower local organisations so that they are more prominently represented at an international level.

Current Emergency Responses


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