FAIR for ALL partners
- SOMO is a center of excellence on research on corporate power. Since 1973 is has analyzed the power and behavior of multinationals and the system in which they operate.
- TWN Africa is Africa’s leading policy and campaigning network on trade and investment. It promotes an alternative economic development that is more inclusive, locally owned and less dependent on export commodities.
- Huairou Commission is a global movement led by organized grassroots women’s groups and indigenous groups living in poor communities in more than 45 countries. They have more than 25 years of experience working in collective organizing, peer learning and policy influence.
Oxfam Novib
- Oxfam Novib is part of a global movement of people, working together to end the injustice of poverty. That means we tackle the inequality that keeps people poor. Together, we save, protect and rebuild lives when disaster strikes. We help people build better lives for themselves, and for others. We take on issues like land rights, climate change and discrimination against women. And we won’t stop until every person on the planet can enjoy life free from poverty.