Expert Meeting on Measuring Impact in the Age of the Data Revolution
The data world around us is changing. Massive new sources of data are emerging, which offer staggering new possibilities as well as challenges for the practice of impact measurement in the development and humanitarian sectors. During Oxfam Novib’s annual Expert Meeting, organized on the 29th of March 2018, successful examples of how the data revolution can be used in development and humanitarian settings were introduced. The aim of the day was to address how impact measurement can make use of these new data sources.
The day kicked-off with an inspiring talk by Stefan Hoevenaar, founder and creative director of ILUMY Digital Innovation and Plek, about the process of innovation in general. Organized around three tracks - 1: Using innovative sources of data; 2: Human-centered design and user-centric approaches; and 3: Data in the field - participants interacted with experts working with the data revolution in their own sectors, as well as with each other. At the close of the day, IMK organizers and participants alike declared that they are ready to ‘take the plunge’ of incorporating the data revolution into their impact measurement work. The Expert Meeting provided fresh ideas, new connections and inspiration to make this a reality.
It was an inspiring event, which stimulated reflecting on current practices and triggered out-of-the-box thinking for possible future approaches. The full programme of the day can be found here.